XBOX 360 Halo 4 Limited Edition Bundle

Oh, yes!  Sold my Modern Warfare 3 Limited Edition bundle to a coworker.  Then purchased this today.

The only slight regret that I have is that the game comes out one week before the juggernaut known as Black Ops 2.  So I basically get 7 days to play this game before my entire friends list switches over to Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and 11/13/2012.

Time to Reduce the Collection



Much tighter, leaner and far less games.  I took all the other games and traded them into Best Buy.  I simply don’t have the time to play them all.  I did collect them, knowing I might never get around to playing them.  But after a stint in the hospital with an impassable Kidney Stone, I had time to rethink some things.  And the games that remain, still a decent amount, will be played through on Easy or Default difficulty.  That will make it faster to get through them and actually more fun (and less stressful).  I no longer care about bragging rights on Veteran difficulty.  Who cares?



Marcurio, the Mage

Sure, he looks quite innocent in this stock photo.  Sitting on a bench near the door in The Bee & Barb in the town of Riften in Skyrim.  But this mercenary, who will cost you 500 gold to hire, is one serious badass mage.  I have traveled throughout Skyrim with Lydia and Janassa.  But Marcurio makes them seem like level 1 n00bs.  He is vicious with his spells and keeps his distance from the enemy which now allows me to use my ranged magic without getting him killed.

Clean Up … Aisle 10 Please

I must say that I am liking the cover system as well as the shooting mechanics. So, I was enjoying the scenery in the game when I opened the next door and was shot to pieces by three terrorists. Which brings us to one of the awesome features of this game, and that is game saves. You can save anywhere! That is awesome, especially so in RPG’s. So I replayed from the previous checkpoint auto-save and wasted the terrorists this time. And right after I joked about the cleanup in aisle 10, I remembered the Scapegoat Wax song of roughly the same name. Check it out:

Great song and unique video, at least for the time (2001).

Lab Tech Longevity Rate

Just another day at the office in the life of a Deus Ex Sarif lab technician. These poor NPC’s have all the life expectancy of an unnamed crewman on an away mission in Star Trek!  So we are sent down to the lab from the bosses office to investigate the “RED alert” on his dashboard in the lab. Minutes before they are scheduled to leave for the Congressional Trip to testify about human augmentation technology. Coincidence?  Not likely.  I did just polish off two suspects in a gun battle moments ago, but no Intel on them. Naturally, I grabbed their weapons to add to my inventory. In RPG games, I am a one-man locust swarm. If it isn’t nailed down in the game, it’s mine!  Total packrat for sure. So I have only been playing for just a few minutes so far. Expect another post before the night is over….

Deus Ex Human Revolution out today!

I have been waiting for this game for some time now. A shooter/RPG that has gotten great reviews. After work today, I shall stop by Best Buy and pick it up along with the strategy guide. Check out the E3 2011 trailer:

The shooting looks real fluid, and there appears to be a solid storyline to keep you interested.

Rally Di Positano

Here I am just tearing up the street during an R3 Class race on the Rally Di Positano track in Italy.  Learn more about the village here.  The first turn resulted in a massive pile up that left my car in the middle, basically wedged into the entire wreck.  Luckily, one of the impatient cars behind the pile up just rammed me from behind and pushed my car free of the stuck group of cars and into 1st place.  Seems odd to be running up and down these cobble stone streets in an R3 Class race car.  I prefer the F or E Class cars for these races instead.  But, this is what Season Play tossed at me.  Twisting and turning does not even begin to describe this track.

Kazenami Prefers BF3 (over MW3)

So Kazenami sends the above graphic to me yesterday to which I conclude he is trying to show me two things:

  1. Battlefield 3 is getting nearly as many Trailer hits as Modern Warfare 3.
  2. Battlefield 3 is more popular around the world than Modern Warfare 3.
  3. Battlefield 3 is played by older and more mature gamers than Modern Warfare 3.

Based on the map of hits/traffic on the right (MW3), it sure seems that the western, english speaking nations are very, very interested in MW3.  Much more so than the rest of the countries.  Go figure, right?  But that is quite interesting by itself as both games are FPS based and have similar themes (at least not wildly divergent ones anyway).  So why the difference?  It would not surprise me if MW3 sold 15+ million copies while BF3 sold 7+ million copies.  A nice victory for both.  And keep in mind, that both will be successful and profitable.  I wonder what the percentage is of people that get one or the other but not both?  That is something that I would like to see.